Bains Developments

The company was founded 16 years ago by brothers Sunny and Mike Bains. Both founders’ careers began as qualified chartered accountants with over 20 years of corporate experience under their belts. Although Sunny and Mike Bains have enjoyed much success in their respective careers, their passion has always been property and innovative design. 

The Bains brothers have seen the company grow from a single property to now boasting a portfolio, in excess, of 20 properties. 

The success of Bains Developments can be largely attributed to its founders’ vast experience and knowledge of the industry, the great network and relationships that they have formed over the years with highly qualified and trustworthy contractors and suppliers, together with their unwavering passion to create beautiful spaces at affordable prices, without compromising on quality and integrity. This is the very ethos of the brand and the reason that they have garnered the loyalty and respect from clients and others in the industry. 

It is with the same integrity, passion and pursuit of quality, beauty and the highest level of service, that Bains Developments hopes to serve its clients for decades to come!